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Ty Miller
Feb 15, 20193 min read
In My Opinion: The Most Common Mistake Folks Make In Their Hunting
Two of the most asked questions I get besides what food plot seed should I plant, actually both get the same answer out of me. What is...

Ty Miller
Jan 29, 20193 min read
Food Plots To Starve Deer
I recently reached out and asked folks to bring up topics or raise questions they were curious what my thoughts were on. One such...

Ty Miller
Oct 1, 20185 min read
Harvest Photos: Must Do, Should Do & Consider
It was my first buck ever harvested…my first bow kill ever…and still one of the biggest bucks I’ve ever taken…and I DESPISE the pictures...

Ty Miller
Aug 6, 20184 min read
The Only Opinion That Matters...
The velvet buck photos are upon us. Every social media outlet, forums and even the local bow shops are buzzing about the various bucks...

Ty Miller
Aug 16, 20175 min read
Food Plots & Blind Faith: The Way To Failure
Now I understand as I type this many of those reading this in the Midwest or Northern parts of this great country have already broken...

Ty Miller
Oct 25, 20164 min read
Upon Release: The Most Crucial Time
Upon Release: The Most Crucial Time We spend, or should at least, countless time and hours into making sure we are fine tuned shooting...

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