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The Working Man Dilemma

Writer's picture: Ty MillerTy Miller

I was at work....

As I sit here typing this very entry about the working man's dilemma I have deadlines running through my mind, to do lists from the investment company I'm part of and the long list of over-do things around the house that have gone unchecked. It is tough being a double jobbed, husband and dedicated whitetail hunter. Between the demands of work and home it becomes very apprarent time spent in the field must be planned and executed to it's fullest potential.

The sad truth though is that having a spare day to committ 100% to the deer woods is something that simply doesn't happen much anymore. I work a hectic schedule between my primary job which pays the bills, my second job which affords the hobby this website is dedicated to...and finally whatever leftover time I have is taken up by family time, God time and finally whitetails.

Now yes, I think deer 24/7 when nothing else is taking priority due to the moment, but that doesn't mean my schedule allows the time I truly wish I had to commit to studying, planning, and habitat manipuation all centered around the whitetail deer I chase each fall.

I suspect many of you reading this can relate, if not insert your very life into this article so far...well what if I told you your hectic job can become your greatest asset to your hunting?

You may be wondering how is that possible Ty? I mean you said yourself you have countless items which rightfully so take priority over anything whitetail?!

It is the concept I like to sum up in a saying;

"A man with an hour and a plan is worth more than a man with an entire day but no plan."

You see that is the difference I strive to take advantage of. Whatever time I have I use to coordinate, document and plan my next steps in the woods. This could be laying out aerial plans of exactly how I envision the next set of hinge cutting affecting deer movements or it could be taking time to input every mature buck sighting into my excel spreadsheet database allowing countless hours of analysis to be a click away whenever I have a spare minute. I don't have time to think back, or guestimate deer movements come October 1 of the next season in order to choose a stand I utilize what small time I have now to maximize my time potential in the future.

A similar thing can be done when working with habitat plans. Often times you'll find numerous maps of our Homestead as well as other properties scattered around my desk over my short lunch hours...all in an effort to have an idea of what I want to accomplish every time sole meets dirt on any of the properties, which is sadly far less than I like.

However, a man with a plan will succeed often where a man without doesn't. Over the coming months I will share tidbits of what I'm doing that month in order to allow my limited time come October be worth the most. Many of these things are common sense and you are all doing them already...perhaps...and if not I'd recommend starting to do so.

In the mean time keep living life as God allows...don't ever put hunting above what it shouldn't be above...but keep it as high as you can without sleeping on the couch (married men will get this haha!).

God Bless!

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